Catalpa fargesii f. duclouxii seeds
Catalpa fargesii f. duclouxii seeds mature in November.Common Name: catalpa
Type: Tree
Family: Bignoniaceae
Native Range: Western China
Zone: 5 to 7
Height: 30.00 to 50.00 feet
Spread: 20.00 to 35.00 feet
Bloom Time: May to June
Bloom Description: Rosy-pink with purple brown spots
Sun: Full sun to part shade
Water: Medium to wet
Maintenance: Medium
Suggested Use: Shade Tree
Flower: Showy
Fruit: Showy
Tolerate: Deer
Catalpa fargesii f. duciouxii, sometimes commonly called Chinese bean tree, is a medium-sized, deciduous tree with an open rounded crown that is native to central China. It was discovered by westerners around 1900, and was subsequently named after French plant collector Pere Francois Ducloux. This catalpa is most distinguished by its attractive foliage and spectacular flowers. Unlobed, broad-ovate leaves with pointed tips emerge in spring with bronze tinges, but mature to a rich medium green. Rosy-pink flowers with purple-brown spotting bloom in panicles in late spring (May-June). Flowers of this plant are considered to be ornamentally superior to the flowers of most other catalpas. Flowers give way to extremely narrow seedpods (to 1/4” wide) that may grow to as long as 30”. The seedpods mature in fall to dark brown and then split open lengthwise to release the seeds within. Specific epithet honors Pere Paul Guillaume Farges (1844-1912), French missionary, naturalist and plant collector.