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Euphorbia pekinensis

Euphorbia pekinensis

【Chinese name】Daji
【Common name】Beijing Spurge, Peking Euphorbia
【Latin name】Euphorbia pekinensis
【Harvest time, size, shape】Seeds orbicularovate, about 2.6mm long, 1.5-2mm wide, surface smooth, greyish brown.
【Habitat】Growing in grass, on roadsides, slopes, wastelands and in rather dank forests.
  • Details

    【The herbal actual smell and taste】Light smell, slightly bitter and astringent taste.
    【Blooming period】June to September
    【Fruiting period】July to October
    【Seeding time】in spring
    【Sun/Shade】 half shade
    【Moisture, soil, temperature】prefers moderate climate and high air humidity, cold resistant, drought resistant. Not picky at soil. fertile sandy loam.
    【Medicinal parts】roots. Chinese name: Daji
    【Harvest & Processing】 Excavated in autumn and winter, washed, and sun-dried.
    【Main components】Mainly contains triterpene (euphorbon, etc.), alkaloids and euphorbia A, B, C, etc.
    【Pharmacological effect】Purgative, diuretic and decompressive.
    【Property】Bitter, cold, toxic. Expelling water and drink.

    Mark: As for all the herbs we supply here, all the medicinal information is only for your reference. Please consult with prefessional doctors for any application. Naturix-Seeds will not be responsible for any medicinal effects.

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