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Polygala tenuifolia seeds

Polygala tenuifolia seeds

Polygala tenuifolia seeds mature in Sept.
【Common name】Thinleaf Milkwort
【Latin name】Polygala tenuifolia
  • Details

    【Harvest time】July to August
    【Habitat】Growing on sunny slopes or roadsides.
    【Plant height】0.25-0.4 m
    【Smell and taste】Light smell, slight bitter and slightly pungent taste.
    【Flower】pale purple
    【Blooming period】May to July
    【Fruiting period】June to August
    【Seeding time】in Spring or Autunmn
    【Medicinal parts】roots
    【Harvest & Processing】Dig out roots in spring and autumn. Remove fibrous roots and soil, dry
    【Main components】Contains saponins, alkaloids, sugar alcohols, amino sugars, organic acids, ketones and other anthracene, etc.
    【Pharmacological effect】Central sedative and anti-convulsant, expectorant, blood-pressure lowering, hemolysis, uterine-contraction enhancing and anti-bacterial.
    【Property】Bitter, pungent, warm. bitter, pungent, warm. Tranquillizing, dispelling phlegm and dispersing swelling.
    【Cautions】It should be used with cautions for excess fire or phlegm-heat because of its warm nature. It should be used with cautions for gastritis and duodenal ulcer because it will stimulate stomach and intestine.

    Mark: As for all the herbs we supply here, all the medicinal information is only for your reference. Please consult with prefessional doctors for any application. Naturix-Seeds will not be responsible for any medicinal effects.

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