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Wisteria sinensis seeds

Wisteria sinensis seeds

Wisteria sinensis, commonly known as Chinese wisteria.
Wisteria sinensis seeds are usually harvested in December.
Best grown in slightly acidic, humusy, moderately fertile, medium moisture, well-drained soils in full sun. Full sun is needed for best flowering.
  • Details

    Wisteria sinensis, commonly called Chinese wisteria, is a deciduous vine that grows vigorously to 25’ or more and features 6-12” long racemes of mildly-fragrant, pea-like, blue-violet flowers in May when the foliage is just beginning to expand. Flowers bloom somewhat simultaneously on the racemes thus producing a dramatic floral display. Flowers give way to pendant, velvety, bean-like seed pods (4-6” long) which ripen in autumn and may persist into winter. Compound, odd-pinnate, deep green leaves (each leaf typically with 7-13 leaflets). Over time, the stems of this vine become twisted, trunk-like and massive. ‘Prolific’ is noted for its prolific bloom of lilac blue flowers in spring sometimes extending into early summer. It typically flowers at an earlier age and with greater abundance than species plants. In contrast to the very similar Japanese wisteria (Wisteria floribunda), Chinese wisteria differs by counterclockwise twining, fewer leaflets per leaf, shorter flowering racemes of less fragrant flowers that bloom simultaneously on each raceme and blue violet flower color.

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